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Sexual violence affects women, men and children throughout their lives and can be devastating for individuals, families, and communities. Together, we can change the conditions that contribute to sexual violence.

Hear her Voice Report Two
Women and girls’ experiences across the criminal justice system

Women’s Safety & Justice Taskforce Community Attitudes to Sexual Consent
Exploring current community understanding, attitudes and behaviours towards sexual consent in Queensland

Respect @ Work
The Respect@Work website brings together a comprehensive set of resources to support individuals and organisations to better understand, prevent and address workplace sexual harassment.

QSAN Resources 
QSAN is a state-wide network comprised of 23 non-government specialist sexual assault services and is the peak body for sexual violence prevention and support organisations in Queensland.

Women's Health and Equality Queensland Submission
Submission to Criminal Code (Consent and Mistake of Fact) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill September 2020

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